Box 1094  837 Ft. McKavett - Hwy. 87 N. Mason, Texas 76856
Office: 325-347-0038
E-mail: mikedail@hctc.net


A  Private Property Rights Advocate


Mike Dail Real Estate specializes in the marketing of farms, ranches, and recreational properties throughout the State of Texas, with an emphasis on Central Texas and the Texas Hill Country, located West of the IH 35 corridor which runs from San Antonio through Austin to the Dallas - Fort Worth Metroplex.

The Texas Hill Country is renowned for its beautiful tree covered hillsides, abounding with wild flowers in the spring; for its pristine springs, creeks, and rivers; as well as an abundance of native wildlife. Come visit and see  "One of the World's Last Great Places!"

"The wealth of this Nation and the security of individual freedom are predicated upon the sanctity of private property and the bundle of rights that coincide with ownership.  Our ancestors came to this country seeking to own a piece of land - something to call their own.  If you are considering the purchase, sale or trade of real estate, I would like the opportunity to represent you." Mike Dail

Texas Real Estate Commission Consumer Protection Notice

Texas Real Estate Commission Information About Brokerage Services


Main Office...
Located on Hwy. 87 North at 837 Ft. McKavett
P.O. Box 1094
Mason, Texas 76856
Office: (325) 347-0038
E-mail: mikedail@hctc.net
Web site: www.mikedail.com

Never purchase real estate without buyer representation.

Let us represent you in the purchase, sale or trade of real estate...

Mike Dail

Mike Dail

Mike and Dianna Dail opened their real estate office in January, 1999. Mike is a broker with over 30 years experience in the Farm Credit System, a farm and ranch lending institution. He is a fourth generation rancher, a 1965 graduate of Texas A&M with a B.A. in Business Management. Because of his love of the land and our country's freedom, he is presently the chairman of the board of directors of the American Stewards of Liberty, a non-profit corporation formed in 1993 to help landowners protect their private property rights.

Mike's Recommended Sites:

www.landsoftexas.com - #1 in Rural Real Estate online

www.americanstewards.us - Constitutional issues and public policy

http://recenter.tamu.edu - Texas A&M University's Real Estate Center

www.texasrealestatemagazine.com - the ultimate online resource for ranch,
                                                     farm, lake and recreational properties in Texas

©2000-2025 Mike Dail Real Estate, all rights reserved.